Legalización de unión de hecho en Ecuador: guía paso a paso

Legalizar tu unión hecho Ecuador es posible!

Si decidido formalizar relación pareja Ecuador, dando paso importante reconocimiento legal protección derechos. La unión hecho refiere convivencia dos personas forma estable, importar sexo, durante menos dos años, y tengan intención formar familia.

En Ecuador, legalizar unión hecho proceso sencillo brinda parejas serie derechos beneficios, similares matrimonio. Además, muestra compromiso solidificación amor tienen mutuamente.

Requisitos legalizar unión hecho Ecuador

Para poder legalizar unión hecho Ecuador, necesario cumplir siguientes requisitos:

Requisito Descripción
Convivencia Debe haber convivencia continua menos dos años partes.
Voluntad de formar familia Ambas partes deben tener Voluntad de formar familia.
Capacidad legal Ambas partes deben tener la capacidad legal para contraer derechos y obligaciones.

Proceso legalizar unión hecho Ecuador

Una vez cumplidos requisitos, proceso legalizar unión hecho Ecuador siguiente:

  1. Acudir Registro Civil presentar solicitud legalización unión hecho.
  2. Presentar documentos identificación ambas partes.
  3. Declarar bajo juramento Voluntad de formar familia.
  4. Esperar resolución Registro Civil aprueba legalización unión hecho.

Beneficios legalizar unión hecho Ecuador

Al legalizar unión hecho Ecuador, parejas pueden acceder serie beneficios, como:

  • Derechos seguridad social.
  • Derechos sucesorios.
  • Reconocimiento unión ámbitos laborales educativos.
  • Posibilidad adoptar pareja.

Caso éxito: Legalización unión hecho Ecuador

Conoce caso María Juan, pareja decidió legalizar unión hecho Ecuador. Tras cumplir requisitos seguir proceso correspondiente, lograron formalizar relación acceder beneficios conlleva. Ahora, sienten seguros protegidos familia.


Legalizar unión hecho Ecuador acto brinda seguridad protección parejas desean formalizar relación. Además, permite acceder serie derechos beneficios fortalecen vínculo brindan tranquilidad futuro. Si considerando legalizar unión hecho, dudes acudir Registro Civil obtener información proceso.

Contrato Legalizar unión hecho Ecuador

Este contrato objetivo formalizar unión hecho partes involucradas marco legal establecido República Ecuador.

CLAUSULA I Antecedentes
CLAUSULA II Declaración Voluntad
CLAUSULA III Normativa Aplicable
CLAUSULA IV Requisitos Legales
CLAUSULA V Procedimiento Legalización
CLAUSULA VI Obligaciones Partes
CLAUSULA VII Vigencia Terminación
CLAUSULA VIII Jurisdicción Ley Aplicable

Firmado electrónicamente partes involucradas:

Firma 1: ___________________________

Firma 2: ___________________________

Top 10 Legal Questions About Legalizing a Union of Fact in Ecuador

Question Answer
1. What is a “union de hecho” in Ecuador? A “union de hecho” in Ecuador is a cohabitation arrangement between two individuals who live together as a couple without getting married. It is recognized as a legal status that grants certain rights and obligations to the partners, similar to marriage.
2. Can a “union de hecho” be legalized in Ecuador? Yes, a “union de hecho” can be legalized in Ecuador through a formal registration process with the relevant government authorities. This allows the partners to have their relationship officially recognized and gain access to legal benefits.
3. What are the requirements for legalizing a “union de hecho” in Ecuador? The requirements for legalizing a “union de hecho” in Ecuador may vary depending on the specific regulations of the municipality or province. Generally, the partners need to prove that they have lived together for a certain period of time and provide documentation such as a joint lease or utility bills.
4. Are there any legal benefits to legalizing a “union de hecho” in Ecuador? Yes, legalizing a “union de hecho” in Ecuador can grant the partners rights such as social security benefits, inheritance rights, and the ability to make medical decisions for each other. It also provides legal recognition to the relationship.
5. What is the process for legalizing a “union de hecho” in Ecuador? The process for legalizing a “union de hecho” in Ecuador typically involves submitting an application to the civil registry office, providing the required documentation, and attending a formal registration ceremony. The specific steps may vary by location.
6. Can same-sex couples legalize a “union de hecho” in Ecuador? Yes, same-sex couples have the same rights to legalize a “union de hecho” in Ecuador as opposite-sex couples. The registration process is open to all couples regardless of gender or sexual orientation.
7. What are the rights and obligations of partners in a legalized “union de hecho”? Partners in a legalized “union de hecho” in Ecuador have rights and obligations similar to those of married couples, including the right to share property and finances, make medical and legal decisions for each other, and inherit from each other in the event of death.
8. Can a “union de hecho” be dissolved in Ecuador? Yes, a legalized “union de hecho” in Ecuador can be dissolved through a legal process similar to divorce. The partners may need to reach an agreement on property division and other matters, and the dissolution must be approved by the relevant authorities.
9. Are there any limitations to legalizing a “union de hecho” in Ecuador? While the process of legalizing a “union de hecho” in Ecuador is open to most couples, there may be limitations based on factors such as immigration status or previous legal commitments. It is important to consult with a legal professional for personalized advice.
10. How can a lawyer help with legalizing a “union de hecho” in Ecuador? A lawyer can provide valuable guidance and assistance with the process of legalizing a “union de hecho” in Ecuador, including helping partners understand the requirements, gathering the necessary documentation, and representing their interests in any legal proceedings related to the relationship.