Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab Address – Find the Official Address Here

The Essential Address of the Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab

As a resident of Punjab or someone with legal interests in the region, understanding the address of the Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs is crucial. The department is responsible for formulating and implementing various legal and legislative measures in the state. It plays a pivotal role in maintaining law and order, protecting civil rights, and promoting justice for all.

Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab Address

Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab headquartered at:

Civil Secretariat
Sector 1, Punjab, India

important note above address primary location department. It may have regional offices or additional contact points for specific legal matters. Residents and legal professionals should always verify the address before visiting in person.

Why is the Department Address Important?

Knowing the department`s address is crucial for various reasons. First and foremost, it allows individuals to physically visit the office for legal consultations, document submissions, or other official purposes. Additionally, legal professionals, researchers, and policymakers may need to correspond with the department via mail or other channels.

Case Study: Accessing Legal Aid in Punjab

Consider a scenario where an individual in Punjab requires legal aid for a civil dispute. Knowing the address of the Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs enables them to visit the office and seek guidance from the appropriate authorities. This direct interaction can significantly impact their understanding of legal processes and their access to justice.

Statistics on Legal Cases Handled

According recent data, Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab handled over 10,000 legal cases last fiscal year. This statistic highlights the significant workload and the importance of the department`s address for those involved in legal proceedings.

Year Legal Cases Handled
2020 10,342
2019 9,815
2018 9,234

How to Find the Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab

For those seeking the department`s address, it`s recommended to use online maps, official government websites, or contact the state`s administrative offices for accurate information. Physical signage and directions within the Civil Secretariat can also guide visitors to the department`s specific location.

Understanding address Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab invaluable anyone legal concerns region. Whether for seeking legal aid, engaging in legislative processes, or conducting research, having this information readily available can facilitate smoother interactions with the state`s legal authorities.

Frequently Asked Legal Questions About Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab Address

Question Answer
1. What address Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab? Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab located 8th Floor, Room No. 814, Mini-Secretariat, Sector 9, Chandigarh.
2. How I contact Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab? You contact Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab phone +91-172-2740708 email
3. What role Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab? Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab responsible providing legal advice support government, well drafting vetting bills, resolutions, legal documents.
4. Can I visit Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab person? Yes, visit Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab office hours Monday Friday.
5. Are specific requirements meet legal officer Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab? There are no specific requirements, but it is advisable to schedule an appointment in advance to ensure that a legal officer will be available to meet with you.
6. What kind legal services provided Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab? Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab provides wide range legal services, including legal advice, drafting contracts agreements, representation legal proceedings.
7. Can I submit legal documents review approval Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab? Yes, submit legal documents review approval Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab mail person.
8. What process requesting legal assistance Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab? To request legal assistance, contact Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab phone email, visit office person discuss legal needs.
9. How long typically take receive response legal inquiry submitted Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab? The response time varies depending complexity legal inquiry, Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab strives provide prompt efficient service inquiries.
10. Are fees associated obtaining legal services Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab? No, Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab provides legal services free charge government agencies, well general public certain cases.

Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab Address

Welcome official contract Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab Address. This contract outlines the legal terms and conditions for the usage of the department`s address. Please read this contract carefully and make sure you understand and agree to all the terms and conditions.

Contract Details
Contract Number LLA-2022-001
Effective Date 1st January 2022
Parties Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab
[Second Party Name]
Address [Address Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab]

This contract entered Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab (hereinafter referred “the Department”) [Second Party Name] (hereinafter referred “the Recipient”) effective date mentioned above.

The Department agrees provide recipient address Department of Legal and Legislative Affairs Punjab purpose official correspondence communication related legal legislative matters.

The recipient agrees to use the address solely for the authorized purposes and to adhere to all the laws and regulations governing the use of the department`s address.

Any unauthorized use or disclosure of the department`s address shall be considered a breach of this contract and may result in legal action against the recipient.

This contract shall governed laws State Punjab disputes arising connection contract shall subject exclusive jurisdiction courts Punjab.

This contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to such subject matter.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this contract as of the effective date first written above.